To apply for participation in the “Energodim” program, you must familiarize yourself with the User Guide.
The “Energodim” program provides condominium associations (OSBB) and each co-owner with the opportunity to experience the benefits of a comprehensive energy modernization of a multi-apartment building.
Thanks to building modernization, you will receive:
✔ Reimbursement of up to 60-70% of the costs for work, materials, and equipment, depending on the selected energy efficiency measures package.
✔ Reduced energy consumption.
✔ Lower utility bills – comprehensive energy modernization can help reduce energy consumption by up to 50% (and in some cases, even more).
✔ Improved appearance of the building.
✔ Increased comfort and better living conditions.
✔ Higher property value.
✔ Better technical condition of the building.
✔ High-quality work execution, ensured by architectural and technical supervision.
✔ A responsible approach to the global environmental situation by reducing CO₂ emissions.
The participants of the Program can only be homeowners’ associations (HOAs). This is because it is the HOAs that is the legal entity that implements the rights of co-owners to own and use the common property in the building.
The “Energodim” program provides partial reimbursement of energy efficiency measures costs of up to 70%.
To modernize a building, it is essential to start with the installation of an individual heating station. The next steps include balancing the building’s hydraulic system and insulating pipelines in unheated areas.
Many buildings require deep modernization. Therefore, within the framework of the Energodim program, a comprehensive set of works can be carried out, including insulation of walls, roofs, and basement ceilings, as well as the replacement of doors and windows in common areas.
To modernize the building, the HOA must study the conditions of the ENERGY HOUSE Program and the terms of the Grant Agreement and agree to them.
Next, a general meeting of the HOA must be held, and a decision must be made to conduct an energy audit of the building.
The subsequent decision to submit an application for participation in the “Energodim” program is made exclusively at the general meeting of the HOA.
The program clearly defines that the review period for a specific application by the Fund begins from the date of its receipt by the Fund.
This means that once all the documents of the respective application, in paper form, have been delivered to the Fund, registered, and entered into the application database, the review process begins.
After registration, the application is forwarded for assessment and review by experts from the financial, legal, and technical departments of the Energy Efficiency Fund.
The maximum review period for applications is as follows:
- Applications for participation, applications for changes, and the full set of accompanying documents for such applications – 25 days;
- Applications for project approval and the full set of accompanying documents for such an application – 35 working days;
- Applications for an extension of the deadline and the full set of accompanying documents for such an application – 15 working days;
- Applications for verification and the full set of accompanying documents for such an application – 45 working days.
The review period may be extended by 25 working days if it is necessary to clarify or verify the received information.
HOAs have the opportunity to take advantage of other state and/or local co-financing programs for implementing energy efficiency measures.
Contact your city or town council to find out if there is an energy efficiency support program in your area. If such a program does not exist yet, the Fund’s specialists can help develop one.
HOAs independently determine the sources of financing for energy efficiency measures, whether through their own funds or other sources.
The use of credit (loan) funds is possible but not mandatory for participation in the Program. At the same time, an HOA can obtain a loan from the Fund’s partner banks or from other banks or financial institutions.
The Fund does not have the right to prohibit an HOA from participating in the Program, and a partner bank cannot refuse to accept and forward an HOA’s application to the Fund based on the fact that the HOA has not signed a loan agreement with a partner bank.
The decision to provide financing is made by the banks based on an assessment of the HOA’s creditworthiness, and financing is provided under general market conditions.
If the HOA receives other state aid, the amount of reimbursement will be reduced by the full amount of such aid.