Stages of Package A (‘Superlight’)


Studying the conditions of the Program

HOAs should study the conditions of the ENERGODIM Program, in particular its Appendix No. 4, which regulates the peculiarities of participation in order to implement mandatory measures and only some optional measures of Package A.  Also pay attention to the Terms of the Grant Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Appendix No. 4 of the Program. You will have to accept the terms of this agreement as a whole and agree to join it.


Energy audit of the building

  • It is necessary to select a certified energy auditor to assess the condition of the house. The HOA makes a choice independently.
  • According to the results of the energy audit, the HOA receives the Energy Certificate of the building


General meeting of co-owners of HOAs

It is necessary to hold a general meeting on participation in the Program, joining the Terms of the Grant Agreement, choosing a list of Energy Efficiency Measures in accordance with Appendix No. 4.


The HOA must choose a partner bank of the Fund for cooperation and open an account there

HOA independently chooses one partner bank for cooperation.

Partner banks are a ‘one stop shop window’ for HOAs. This means that:

  • Applications within the framework of participation in the Program, accompanying and other documents of the HOA can be submitted to the EEF through the nearest branch of the selected partner bank
  • HOA should open a current account with a partner bank, because it will be paid to it Grant

The HOA may change the partner bank by notifying the EEF in writing in the manner specified in the Program


HOA draws up and submits an Application for participation in the ENERGODIM Program

HOA draws up and submits an Application for participation in the ENERGODIM Program in accordance with the features of Appendix No. 4 to the Program. This Appendix, in particular, provides which documents from the general list do not need to be submitted.

The application can be submitted through the nearest branch of the selected partner bank or directly to the EEF, in particular through the portal of electronic services at the link:


Approval of the Application for Participation by the EEF, about which the HOA receives the corresponding notification.

We remind you that after the approval of the Application for Participation in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Program, the HOA does not receive compensation for the preliminary energy audit of the house, since the Grant under this procedure is paid in one tranche after the implementation of the entire Project.


Execution of works in accordance with the selected Energy Efficiency Measures

NOTE: The term of the Project implementation according to the simplified version of the Package of Measures ‘A’ is a term that begins its countdown from the Date of Accession (see the definition in the Grant Agreement) and ends in 6 months from the Date of Accession. Before the end of the Project Implementation Period, the Beneficiary shall submit an Application for Verification. At the same time, the Beneficiary has the right in exceptional cases to submit a request for its extension for no more than 3 months before the end of the Project Implementation Period, justifying the validity of the reasons for non-compliance with the established deadline.


HOA draws up and submits an Application for Verification

HOA draws up and submits an Application for Verification in accordance with the features of Appendix No. 4 to the Program. This Appendix, in particular, provides which documents from the general list do not need to be submitted.


Approval of the Application for Verification by the EEF, about which the HOA receives the relevant notification, and payment of the Grant.

We remind you that under this participation procedure the Grant is granted only for the following events:

  • Conducting a preliminary Energy Audit;
  • Certification of energy efficiency after the implementation of the Project;
  • Technical supervision services;
  • Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures, including the cost of works (services), equipment and materials listed in Appendix 4 to the Program.

The amount of the Grant for all Eligible Project Costs, in accordance with the simplified version of the Package of Measures ‘A’ cannot exceed UAH 2 million, of which the amount of partial reimbursement of the previous Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency Certification after the Project implementation cannot exceed UAH 15,000 for each of these measures.

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