The Fund’s program offers two Packages of measures for energy modernization of apartment buildings.
Currently, the acceptance of new applications for Package A and Package B is suspended
In July 2023, the Supervisory Board of the Energy Efficiency Fund approved changes to the ENERGODIM Program, which introduced the features of the implementation of Package A (‘Superlight’).
Such Package A includes two mandatory measures: installation or modernization of an individual heat point (mandatory) and installation of a commercial heat metering unit (if necessary). An individual heat point will allow co-owners of the house to independently adjust the parameters of heat supply depending on their wishes, reduce heat loss in transportation and reduce utility bills. At the same time, there is a transparent payment mechanism – without averaged values for servicing obsolete pipelines and equipment.
The grant limit is UAH 2 million.
* Preparation of project documentation is not covered, but is not required for approval of the application
Package ‘A’ (Light) consists of relatively inexpensive energy efficiency measures with a high level of return on investment (primarily – modernization of the building’s engineering systems).
Package ‘B’ (Comprehensive) includes all measures of Package “A” (if they were not implemented earlier), as well as thermal insulation of enclosing structures (walls, roof, attic, basement).
The grant is a partial reimbursement of the costs of implementing energy efficiency measures.
The size of the grant for the first 500 HOAs the applications of which were received and approved by the Fund is:
- 70% of the value of Acceptable costs for project preparation and implementation, i.e. costs for conducting a preliminary energy audit, development of project documentation and its appraisal (in particular, inspection of the facility/building), technical and author’s supervision services, certification of energy efficiency after project implementation, examination of building engineering systems on which energy modernization measures have been implemented;
- 60% of the value of Acceptable costs for civil works for the Package of measures ‘A’, 70% – for the Package of measures ‘B’.
Starting with the 501st application:
- a limit is set for partial reimbursement of the total amount of Acceptable costs for project preparation and implementation: the maximum amount of reimbursement of these costs will be 15% of Acceptable costs for civil works under Package of measures ‘A’, 7,5% — under Package of measures ‘B’.
- the amount of the grant for the reimbursement of the actually incurred Acceptable costs for civil works will be 40% for the Package of measures ‘A’, 50% — for the Package of measures ‘B’.
The possibility of receiving reimbursement until the moment of full payment for works/services
HOAs that submitted applications for participation by December 31, 2023, can receive reimbursement until the time of full payment for works/services only on the basis of Acts of completed works and documents confirming the payment of the beneficiary’s contribution.
This significantly reduces the financial burden on the HOA, because if there are appropriate agreements, it can partially settle with the contractors and service providers after receiving the next tranche of the grant.
This possibility applies to the following Acceptable Energy Efficiency Measures:
- development of project documentation and its appraisal (in particular, inspection of the facility/building);
- technical and author’s supervision;
- certification of energy efficiency of the building after project implementation;
- examination of engineering systems of the building;
- implementation of energy efficiency measures, including the cost of works (services), equipment and materials.
In practice, this means the following: payment documents confirming payment for services or works are not submitted together with Applications for project approval and/or verification.
In the event of approval of the Application, the Fund, in particular, must provide the HOA with information regarding:
- the size of the tranche to be paid based on the results of the Application consideration at this stage;
- the amount of funds that can be paid at the expense of the Fund’s partners or donors
- the size of the beneficiary’s contribution, which must be paid at this stage.
Important: the payment of the tranche of the grant by the Fund will be made only after the beneficiary provides confirmation of payment of the beneficiary’s own contribution.
The Fund requires that the beneficiary’s own contribution (i.e. the share of the HOA) in financing the project should be at least:
for Package of measures ‘A’: 40% of Acceptable costs for civil works, 30% of Acceptable costs for project preparation and implementation;
for Package of measures ‘B’: 20% of the total amount of Acceptable costs for project preparation and implementation, as well as Acceptable costs for civil works.
The procedure for obtaining reimbursement until the moment of full payment for works/services is given in Appendix 22 of the Course of Actions for Participants of the ‘ENERGODIM’ Energy Modernization Support Program for Apartment Buildings.
Therefore, with the help of postponement or installments of payments, the HOA as a customer of services/works can not only control the process and encourage contractors to comply with the terms and quality of works specified in the contract, but also significantly reduce the financial burden on the residents of the building, receiving grants for reimbursement of the cost of works/services until the moment of their full payment.
Package ‘A’ (Light) consists of relatively inexpensive energy efficiency measures. First of all, this is the modernization of the building’s engineering systems.
Estimated level of savings: 25 kWh per 1 m².
Mandatory measures
- Installation of a commercial heat energy metering unit
- Installation or modernization of an individual heating point (IHP)
- Replacement or modernization of the general house boiler and/or auxiliary equipment (for example, pumps, automatic regulation systems, etc.)
- Thermal insulation and/or replacement of pipelines of the internal heat supply system in unheated rooms
- Thermal insulation and/or replacement of pipelines of the hot water supply system in unheated rooms
- Hydraulic balancing of the heating system by installing automatic (balancing) valves
Optional measures
- Set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of heated and unheated attics (technical floors) and roofs
- Modernization of the hot water supply system
- Installation of heat energy distribution metering units for heating needs and/or devices — heat energy distributors in apartments
- Installation of automatic indoor air temperature regulators on heating devices of the water heating system in apartments and/or in common premises (places) of the building
- Replacement and/or thermal insulation of heating system pipelines and/or water heating system devices in common premises (places) of the building
- Replacement or repair of window units and/or balcony door units in common premises (places) of the building
- Replacement or repair of external doors and/or arrangement of vestibules of the external entrance
- Set of works on modernization and installation of the lighting system in common premises (places) of the building
Package A (‘Superlight’) consists of relatively inexpensive energy efficiency measures. Installation of an individual heat point is one of the fastest and most effective measures to reduce heat consumption in high-rise buildings. Reduction of energy consumption is achieved, in particular, by adjusting the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the change in the temperature of outdoor air.
Approximate level of savings: from 10 to 30% of heat savings.
Mandatory measures:
- Installation of a commercial heat energy metering unit.
- Installation or modernization of an individual heat point.
The HOA can refuse mandatory measures only if there are grounds for their exclusion specified in the Program.
Additional (optional) measures of Package A (‘Superlight’)
- Insulation and/or replacement of internal heat supply system pipelines in unheated rooms;
Thermal insulation and/or replacement of hot water supply system pipelines in unheated rooms;
Hydraulic balancing of the heating system by installing automatic (balancing) valves;
Replacement or repair of window and/or balcony door blocks in common areas of the building;
Replacement or repair of external doors and/or arrangement of vestibules of external entrance.
The inclusion in the Project of any optional Energy Efficiency Measures from the above list is possible provided:
а) if the mandatory Energy Efficiency Measures in an apartment building have already been implemented or they are technically impossible to implement, and information about this is reflected in the Energy Certificate submitted together with Application No. 1.
b) the implementation within the Project of mandatory Energy Efficiency Measures that have not been implemented in an apartment building before.
Package ‘B’ (Comprehensive) includes all measures of Package ‘A’, if they were not implemented earlier, as well as thermal insulation of building structures – walls, roof, attic, basement.
Estimated level of savings:70 kWh per 1 m².
Mandatory measures
- All mandatory activities from Package of measures ‘A’
- Thermal insulation and/or replacement of pipelines of the internal heat supply system in unheated rooms
- Hydraulic balancing of the heating system by installation of automatic (balancing) valves
- Thermal insulation and/or replacement of pipelines of the hot water supply system in unheated rooms
- Replacement or repair of external doors and/or arrangement of vestibules of the external entrance
- Replacement or repair of window units and/or balcony door units in common premises (places) of the building
Optional measures
- Set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of external walls
- Set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of heated and unheated attics (technical floors) and roofs
- Set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of basement floor slabs
- A set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of external walls below ground level
- Modernization of the hot water supply system
- Replacement and/or thermal insulation of heating system pipelines and/or water heating system devices in common premises (places) of the building
- Replacement and/or thermal insulation of heating system pipelines and/or water heating system devices in apartments
- Installation of heat energy distribution metering units for heating needs and/or devices – heat energy distributors in apartments
- Installation of automatic indoor air temperature regulators on heating devices of the water heating system in apartments and/or in common premises (places) of the building
- Replacement or repair of window units and/or balcony door units in apartments, insulation and glazing of existing balconies and loggias
- Set of works on modernization and arrangement of the lighting system in common premises (places) of the building
- Set of works on the modernization and arrangement of the ventilation system with the installation of heat exchangers
- Other types of modernization of the internal heat supply system
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