The Supervisory Board of the Energy Efficiency Fund has adopted a decision according to which grant payments to the association of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings (HOAs) will be made, taking into account the conduct of military operations in the territories.
In particular, applications for the payment of grants from HOAs will be accepted and approved in accordance with the established procedure. But to pay grants to those HOAs (located on temporarily occupied territories and in settlements on the territory of which the state authorities of Ukraine temporarily do not exercise their powers, as well as in settlements, and located on the collision line), the Fund will be after the liberation of the territories and receipt of a guarantee letter from the HOA.
In making such a decision on each separate HOA, the Fund will be guided by a list of territorial communities located in the area of military (combat) actions or which are in the temporary occupation or the environment block, which is approved in the procedure, stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine, and other official lists of state authorities which will contain relevant information about the territory, in which military (combat) actions are carried out or which are in temporary occupation, entourage (blocking), as well as territories on which state authorities temporarily do not extend their powers, at the moment of decision making.
We emphasize that these conditions apply exclusively to grant payments.