Minregion hosted the Working Group meeting to update the List of expert organizations that meet the required Criteria and can perform the expertise of the building projects. The Criteria for the expert organizations reforming the expertise of the building projects were approved by the order issued by Minregion on 15.08.2017 № 204, registered in the Ministry of Justice on 18.09.2017 № 1140 / 31008.
Based on the Article 31 of the Law of Ukraine On Regulation of City Planning Activity, Minregion performs the assessment of the conformity of the expert organizations.
On the results of studying the submitted documents on compliance with the required Criteria, the Working Group decided to exclude the following expert organizations from the list started from July 1, 2021:
– TOV “Energy Consulting”
– TOV “Project Scan” (excluded earlier)
– TOV “Global Prompostach”
– TOV “First Ukrainian Expertise”
– TOV “Bud-Vik”
– TOV “First Private Expertise”
– TOV “Center of project expertise”
– TOV “Independent Inspection Agency” Expert”
The Fund warns the HOAs – participants of the Energodim program against undergoing the expert review in the above-mentioned organizations.
We emphasize that the expert reports performed by organizations excluded from the List and issued after July 1, 2021 are not valid.